
Restaurant open every evening from 6pm

Flex+ Insurance 2024: Secure Your Stay in Complete Serenity

You will find on this page all the practical information for your stay…

Our 3-star campsite extends over more than 5 hectares of preserved natural space and offers 109 pitches. We are particularly proud to be accessible to people with disabilities, so that everyone can enjoy our privileged environment.

Join us for refreshing holidays in the heart of nature !

Coming to the campsite


Come to the campsite

“Here’s how to get to the campsite …!”

If you are by car, the easiest way is via the A42.

In the direction LYON – GENEVA : exit 6 BALAN – DAGNEUX
In the direction GENEVA – LYON exit 7 PERUGE – MEXIMIEUX
Then follow St Maurice de Gourdans to the village where you will find signs indicating the campsite.

If you are travelling by plane, Lyon ST Exupéry airport is 25 km away (on your arrival to access the campsite, possibility of car rental or taxi).

If you are travelling by train, the Meximieux train station, 2 Avenue de Verdun, 01800 Meximieux is 12.5 kms away (on your arrival you can take a taxi from St Maurice Mr CROST).

If you are travelling by bike on the Via Rhôna :

If you arrive from Lyon you will have to leave the Via Rhôna at Jons and join Pollet, then St Maurice de Gourdans, in the opposite direction you will have to leave the Via Rhôna at Loyettes and join ST Maurice de Gourdans. At the campsite you will benefit from a special “Bicycle” rate.


Address of the campsite :
11 chemin du stade 01800 St Maurice de Gourdans
Telephone : 04 74 35 82 93

Gps coordinates of the campsite :
Latitude : 45.8116009
Longitude : 5.1858526

Map of the campsite


Map of the Campsite

“To make your stay easier, use the map of the campsite … !”

Opening hours and openings


Opening Hours and Dates

“Here are the opening hours and dates…!”

Campsite Open from April 13, 2024, to September 30, 2024

Reception Desk:

Period from January 2 to April 13
Mondays 10 am-6 pm

Period from April 1 to May 31
Every day 10 am-12 pm / 3 pm-7:30 pm

Period from June 1 to July 6
Every day 10 am-12:30 pm / 2 pm-7:30 pm

Period from July 6 to August 30
Every day 10 am-7:30 pm

Period from September 1 to September 30
Every day 10 am-12 pm / 3 pm-7 pm

Period from October 9 to November 30
Mondays 10 am-6 pm

Gate Opening:
From April 13, 2024, to September 30, 2024 from 6:30 am to 10 pm

Evening Restaurant:
From July 1 to August 30 / Every evening from 6 pm to 10 pm

Bread and Pastry Service:
On reservation July & August / See Reception

From July 1 to September 30 / Every day from 4 pm to 11 pm
(Except for evenings and animations)

Swimming Pool:
From June 1 to early September / Every day from 10 am to 7:30 pm

Insurance and cancellation


Flex+ Insurance 2024

“Your peace of mind, our priority for 2024…!”

In response to your valuable feedback, we have innovated in 2024 to strengthen our partnership with the cancellation insurance specialist, Neat Camping, by introducing our new Flex+ Insurance.

Enhanced guarantees for 2024 include:

  • Cancellation of stay without deposit for damages
  • Interruption of stay
  • Late arrival
  • Last-minute reimbursement up to 70% without justification, and 100% with justification
  • Coverage for incidents involving your pets

Enjoy these comprehensive guarantees for only 5% of the cost of your stay, with a minimum of 1€. Consult the details of the General Insurance Conditions (CGA) for more information.

Discover the details of our Flex+ Insurance (PDF 2024)



Rules of procedure


House rules

“Here are some common sense rules so that everyone can enjoy their stay in peace…! »

  2. Admission and stay conditions

To be allowed to enter, settle or stay on a campsite, you must have been authorized by the manager or his representative . The latter has the obligation to ensure the good maintenance and order of the campsite as well as the respect of the application of these rules of procedure.

The fact of staying on the campsite implies acceptance of the provisions of these regulations and the commitment to comply with them.

No one can take up residence there, double axle caravans are not allowed.

  1. Police formalities

Minors unaccompanied by their parents will not be admitted without written permission from them.

Pursuant to article R. 611-35 of the code for the entry and stay of foreigners and the right to asylum, the manager is required to complete and sign by the client of foreign nationality, upon arrival, an individual police form. It must mention in particular:

1° The surname and first names;

2° Date and place of birth;

3° Nationality;

4° The usual home.
Children under 15 can be on either parent’s listing.

  1. Setup

The outdoor accommodation and related equipment must be installed at the location indicated in accordance with the directives given by the manager or his representative. The opening of electrical terminals is prohibited.

  1. Reception Desk

Barrier open from 04/01 to 09/30 from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

You will find at the reception desk all the information on the services of the campsite, information on the possibilities of refueling, sports facilities, the tourist attractions of the surroundings and various addresses that may be useful.

A complaints collection and processing system is available to customers.

  1. Display

These internal regulations are displayed at the entrance to the campsite and at the reception desk. It is given to each customer who requests it.
For classified campsites, the classification category with the mention tourism or leisure and the number of tourism or leisure pitches are displayed.

The prices of the various services are communicated to customers under the conditions set by order of the Minister responsible for consumption and can be consulted at reception.

  1. Terms of departure

Customers are invited to notify the reception desk of their departure the day before. Customers intending to leave before the opening hours of the reception desk must pay for their stay the day before.

  1. Sound and silence

Customers are asked to avoid all noise and discussions that could disturb their neighbours.

Sound devices should be tuned accordingly. Door and trunk closures should be as discreet as possible.

Dogs and other animals should never be left loose. They must not be left at the campsite, even locked up, in the absence of their masters, who are legally responsible for them.

The manager ensures the tranquility of his customers by setting times during which silence must be total.

  1. Visitors

After being authorized by the manager or his representative, visitors can be admitted to the campsite under the responsibility of the campers who receive them.

The customer can receive one or more visitors at the reception. The services and facilities of the campsites are accessible to visitors. However, the use of this equipment may be chargeable according to a tariff which must be displayed at the entrance to the campsite and at the reception desk.
Visitor cars are prohibited in the campground.

  1. Circulation and parking of vehicles

Inside the campsite, vehicles must drive at a speed limit of 10 km/h

Circulation is permitted from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Only vehicles that belong to the campers staying there can circulate in the campsite. Parking is strictly prohibited on the pitches usually occupied by accommodation unless a parking space has been provided for this purpose. Parking must not impede traffic or prevent the installation of newcomers.

  1. Dress and appearance of facilities

Everyone is required to refrain from any action that could harm the cleanliness, hygiene and appearance of the campsite and its facilities, including sanitary facilities .

It is forbidden to throw waste water on the ground or in the gutters.

Customers must empty waste water into the facilities provided.

Household waste, waste of any kind, papers, must be placed in the bins.

Washing is strictly prohibited outside the bins provided for this purpose.

The drying of the laundry will be done, if necessary, in the common dryer. However, it is tolerated until 10 a.m. near the accommodation, provided that it is discreet and does not disturb the neighbours. It should never be made from trees.

Planting and floral decorations must be respected. It is forbidden to drive nails into trees, to cut branches, to make plantations.
It is not allowed to delimit the location of an installation by personal means, nor to dig the ground.

Any repair of degradation committed to the vegetation, the fences, the ground or the installations of the campground will be the responsibility of its author.

The pitch that will have been used during the stay must be maintained in the state in which the camper found it when entering the premises.

  1. Security
  2. a) Fire.

Open fires (wood, coal, etc.) are strictly prohibited. Stoves should be kept in good working order and not used in hazardous conditions.

In case of fire, notify management immediately. Fire extinguishers can be used if necessary.

A first aid kit can be found at the reception desk.

  1. b) Vol.

The management is responsible for objects left in the office and has a general obligation to monitor the campsite. The camper retains responsibility for his own installation and must report to the manager the presence of any suspicious person. Customers are invited to take the usual precautions for safeguarding their equipment.

  1. Games

No violent or disturbing games can be organized near the facilities.
The dining room is private and not accessible

Children should always be under the supervision of their parents.

  1. Dead Garage

It can only be left unoccupied equipment on the ground, after agreement of the management and only at the location indicated. This service is chargeable.


The campsite is located in a flood zone and 10 km from the Bugey Nuclear Power Plant

  1. Violation of the rules of procedure

In the event that a resident disturbs the stay of other users or does not respect the provisions of these rules of procedure, the manager or his representative may orally or in writing, if he deems necessary, put the latter on notice to cease the disturbances.

In the event of a serious or repeated violation of the rules of procedure and after formal notice by the manager to comply with them, the latter may terminate the contract.

In the event of a criminal offence, the manager may call the police.


Conditions Générales de vente

Les tarifs

Les tarifs publiés, taxes et services compris sont applicables pour la saison en cours. Les tarifs diffusés n’ont pas de valeur contractuelle et peuvent être modifiés sans préavis. Le prix contractuel est celui fixé lors de la réservation définitive. Pour les locations, le prix comprend l’équipement complet suivant inventaire, le gaz, l’eau et l’électricité. Du 1/10 au 1/04, les consommations électriques sont facturées au tarif en vigueur.


Le contrat prend effet à partir de la réservation définitive. La réservation est définitive à partir de la réception du montant d’un acompte sur le prix du séjour. Les arrivées sont programmées entre 16h et 19h et la libération du mobil home est prévue avant 10h le jour du départ. Les emplacements de camping doivent être libérés avant 12h00, à défaut, le montant d’une journée supplémentaire sera facturé.


Pour la location d’un mobile home une caution de 500 € sera demandée en début de séjour. Cette caution inclut le matériel manquant ou détérioré. Toute dégradation sera retenue sur cette caution suivant devis de réparation ou de renouvellement auquel s’ajoutera la main d’œuvre. Le ménage de fin de séjour n’étant pas inclus dans la location, une caution non encaissée de 55€ sera également demandée à l’arrivée. Nous vous rappelons que seule la personne responsable de l’inventaire le jour de votre départ est apte à juger de l’état de propreté de votre location. Les cautions seront détruites après contrôle de la location par le service de ménage.

Conditions de paiement

Pour les locations d’emplacements nus et de mobiles homes, un acompte de 25% du prix total doit être versé lors de la réservation. Le solde est payable au plus tard 14 jours avant la date de début du séjour. En cas de réservation 14 jours avant la date de début du séjour, l’intégralité du prix du séjour est payable à la réservation. A défaut de paiement intégral 14 jours avant la date de début du séjour, le Camping les plages de l’Ain se réserve le droit de considérer que la réservation a été annulée avec les conséquences prévues au paragraphe ci-dessous.


Le locataire devra signaler par mail ou courrier toutes modifications concernant son séjour.


Toute location est nominative et ne peut, en aucun cas être cédée ou sous louée. La location ne devient définitive qu’avec notre accord, et à partir de la réservation définitive. En cas d’annulation 30 jours avant l’arrivée la totalité du séjour est remboursé. Une assurance annulation est proposée couvrant une grande partie des risques d’annulation de séjour et les cas COVID 19 ainsi que l’encadrement des rapatriements…document contractuel à consulter.

Réglement intérieur

Les campeurs sont tenus de se conformer au règlement intérieur disponible auprès de la réception, et affiché à l’extérieur de la réception du camping. Moyennant un supplément, les animaux tenus en laisse sont acceptés dans notre établissement. Tout visiteur non compris dans le séjour doit se déclarer à la réception et régler son droit de visite.


La responsabilité du Camping les Plages de l’Ain dans la limite de sa responsabilité légale, n’est pas engagée en cas de : Vol, perte ou dommage de quelque nature que ce soit, pendant ou suite à un séjour. Accident survenu dans l’enceinte du camping sur les jeux et équipement mis à disposition des familles. Panne ou mise hors service des équipements techniques. Le camping se réserve le droit de modifier la conception et l’implantation du camping. Sa responsabilité n’est pas engagée à raison des dommages causés ou subis par les véhicules des campeurs stationnant ou circulant dans l’enceinte et sur le parking du camping. Toutes les réclamations relatives aux conditions de déroulement du séjour doivent être formulées sur place auprès de la direction de camping afin de trouver une solution immédiate.


Seule la version Française du présent document fera foi en cas de litige. La juridiction compétente sera celle des tribunaux de Bourg en Bresse (Ain). Conformément aux articles L152-1 à L.152-5 du Code de la consommation, tout consommateur a le droit de recourir gratuitement à un médiateur de la consommation en vue de la résolution amiable du litige qui l’oppose à un professionnel. A cet effet, le camping les Plages de l’Ain garantit au consommateur le recours effectif à un dispositif de médiation de la consommation.

Contact et médiation

Dans le cadre d’un litige avec notre établissement, vous avez la possibilité de nous contacter de la manière suivante: Envoyer un courrier par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception à Monsieur le Directeur du camping les Plages de l’Ain, 11 chemin du stade, 01800 St Maurice de Gourdans. Envoyer un courriel avec demande d’avis de réception et de lecture de ce mail à contact@campingain.fr. Si la réponse ne vous satisfait pas, vous avez la possibilité de saisir le CM2C, après un délai d’un mois suite à l’envoi de ce courrier/mail. Vous devez déposer un dossier en ligne sur le site internet suivant www.cm2c.net.fr ou par courrier : CM2C 14 Rue Saint-Jean, 75017 Paris.

Terms of Use


General Terms of Use of the Club les Plages de l’Ain Loyalty Program

« General Terms of Use »

1. Program Purpose

The “Club les Plages de l’Ain” Loyalty Program aims to provide its members (the Members) with the benefits described below during their bookings at the Les Plages de l’Ain establishment. These General Terms of Use outline the terms of membership to the loyalty program and the related benefits.

2. Definitions

Loyalty Account: the loyalty account associated with the “Club les Plages de l’Ain” Loyalty Program. Member: the client who has joined by accepting these GTU of the Loyalty Program.

3. Program Membership

It is possible to join the Program:

  • When booking through our website www.campingain.fr by subscribing to the free package offered.
  • During a stay at our establishment upon request at the reception. Membership in the Program is free and becomes effective upon the Member receiving an email confirming their membership and providing their loyalty account number. All adult individuals with the legal capacity to contract are eligible to join the Program. The member has a unique account number. To join, the client must read and accept these GTU unreservedly. The loyalty account is strictly personal.

4. Loyalty Account Usage

To benefit from the Program’s advantages, the Member must provide their account number with each booking. Compliance with these provisions conditions the granting of the Program’s advantages.

5. Points Accumulation

Points accumulation begins from the membership date to the Program. Only stays completed no later than the day of membership are eligible for points crediting. For each stay at the Les Plages de l’Ain establishment, the loyalty account will be credited with 1 point for every euro billed by the campground to the Member excluding cancellation insurance. Points are earned and usable 48 hours after the end of the stay. Eligible for points accumulation are stays on rental sites. Only expenses related to accommodation are eligible for points accumulation. The following expenses are not eligible for points:

  • Dining;
  • Room rental;
  • Sale of external services to the campground Not eligible for points are:
  • Resident campground stays
  • Group bookings
  • Tour-operator bookings
  • CSE bookings
  • ACSI AWCB ADAC card site bookings Additionally, bonus points are awarded in two cases: Welcome Offer: 20 points will be credited to the loyalty account for any new subscription. Loyalty+ Offer: Starting from the second stay in the calendar year at the Les Plages de l’Ain establishment, 20 points will be credited to the account provided that these stays have indeed been credited with loyalty points. Accumulated points cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash.

6. Points Validity

The earned points are valid for 36 months from the date of the end of the stay. Any new stay extends the validity date of the residual points credited to the member’s loyalty account by 36 months.

7. Points Usage and Program Benefits

The accumulated points are convertible into discounts on future bookings according to the scale below up to a maximum of €50 per stay:

Points Accumulated Eligible Discount Minimum Stay Amount (incl. tax)*
100 points €5 €50
150 points €10 €100
200 points €15 €150
300 points €20 €200
400 points €30 €300
500 points €50 €350

*excluding cancellation insurance The amount of the granted discount corresponds to the maximum tier discount the member is entitled to, limited by the amount of the stay and according to a minimum amount (in € incl. tax excluding cancellation insurance) for tier eligibility.

8. Program Functionality Claims

If a Member notices that their points have not been correctly credited, they may request that the points balance be adjusted within 2 months of their claim by email to: contact@campingain.fr

9. Termination

  • Termination at the Member’s initiative The Member may decide at any time to withdraw from the program. To do this, the member of the Program “Name of the program” must send an email to contact@campingain.fr stating their desire to terminate their membership by specifying their loyalty identifier. Their withdrawal will be effective within the month following their request.
  • Termination at the establishment’s initiative Any use contrary to the general terms of use of the Club les Plages de l’Ain program may lead to the exclusion of the Member from the program at the initiative of Les Plages de l’Ain.
  • Effects of Termination Termination results in the end of the Member’s membership in the “Club les Plages de l’Ain” Program and the deletion of all the points accumulated on the day of termination without any compensation being claimable by the Member.

10. Personal Data Processing and Applicable Law

Any membership in the Program implies the Member’s unreserved acceptance of these general terms of use. These General Terms of Use may be modified. The Member will be informed of the new general terms of use by any appropriate means (website, email, etc.) within thirty (30) days before they take effect so that they can terminate their membership during this period. In the absence of termination and at the end of this thirty (30) day period, the new general terms of use will prevail over any earlier version and will be applicable.

Legal Notice


Legal information

« Here are our legal notices… »

Company: SAS Jeanlo
RCS Bourg en Bresse
801 202 771 00011
CEO : Jean Luc Baradel

Publisher :
Camping Plages de l’Ain

Director of publication
Jean-Luc Baradel

Pictures :
Photo credits ” Camping les plages de l’Ain ” with the consent and participation of its clients.

This site is the property of the Site Editor, whose head office is located in Saint-Maurice-de-Gourdans (France). It is made available to users subject to their unconditional acceptance of the conditions and warnings set out below.
The webmaster of the site is Mr Jean-Luc Baradel in his capacity as legal representative of the Publisher.

The host of the site is the company Celeonet (subcontracted by the company Alcimia).

The Site Publisher makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of all the information provided on its site which is directly linked to it, but cannot guarantee that the information it contains is complete, accurate, exact, exhaustive and free of any errors.
The Site Publisher reserves the right to correct or modify, at any time and without notice, the content of this site.
The Site Publisher declines all responsibility concerning the information available on its “site” and the use that may be made of the information contained on this site or obtained in response to a question asked through this site. Under no circumstances can the Publisher be held liable for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of this site or in relation to this site. In general, the Site Editor declines all responsibility for any use that may be made of this site.
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The Site Publisher cannot be held responsible for any hypertext or any other computer element used, directly or indirectly, from the “site”, the existence of a link does not transfer responsibility to the Publisher. The Site Publisher does not guarantee and makes no commitment concerning third party sites and will not be responsible for their content. It is strictly forbidden to create a hypertext link to the site without the express agreement of the Site Publisher.
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Personal information
In accordance with the “Data Protection Act” of 6 January 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access, rectify or delete personal information concerning you by contacting the Camping des Plages de l’Ain.

Data protection
All data and information contained on this site are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. The total or partial reproduction of the documents on the “site” is authorised exclusively for information purposes for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited and is liable to constitute an infringement punishable under articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The databases appearing on this site, which are produced by the Site Publisher, are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the protection of databases.
No personal information is collected without the user’s knowledge.

Data Confidentiality Policy
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A cookie is a computer file that we send to your computer for future reference. It can be a temporary cookie (deleted when the site is closed) or a persistent cookie (which remains from one session to the next). Cookies enable us to offer you offers adapted to your needs and to improve your browsing.

Cookies deposited by Camping Plages de l’Ain. Camping Plages de l’Ain uses the deposit and reading of cookies in order to analyse your browsing and to enable us to measure the audience of our website with Google tools in particular (Analytics, Adwords…).
Cookies deposited by third parties :
During your consultation of the site, partner sites may deposit cookies on your terminal.
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– The deposit and reading of cookies to enable you to share content on our site with other people or to let these other people know your consultation or opinion (Twitter®, Facebook®…).
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Most browsers allow you to delete cookies and/or refuse to accept them. Here is the link and help for setting them: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera.
More generally, we also invite you to take note of the cookie policies applied by the various social networks : Facebook, Twitter.

1. Collection of information
We collect information when you register on our site. The information collected includes your name, e-mail address, phone number and message.
In addition, we automatically receive and record information from your computer and browser, including your IP address and the page you request.

2. Use of Information
All the information we collect from you may be used for :

Meet your individual needs
Provide personalised content such as a newsletter.
Improve our website
Improve customer service and your support needs
Contact you by e-mail

3. Disclosure to third parties
We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. Your personal information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason.

4. Protection of Information
We implement a variety of security measures to safeguard the security of your personal information. We use state-of-the-art encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online. We also protect your information offline. Only employees who need to perform a specific job (for example, sending a newsletter or providing customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers and servers used to store personally identifiable information are located in a completely secure environment.

5. Do we use cookies ?
Yes, our cookies improve access to our site and identify repeat visitors. In addition, our cookies improve the user experience by tracking and targeting user interests. However, this use of cookies is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site.

6. Unsubscribe
We use the e-mail address you provide to send you information, job offers, occasional news from the campsite, etc. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe and no longer receive e-mails, you can fill in the contact form and indicate in Message that you would like us to delete your data from our databases.

7. Consent
By ticking the relevant box under each form on this site and by using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate tocontact us

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